Activate the full TotalCare PC
Version to unlock all of the program’s features and get the most benefit for your PC, or use the basic free version. Find more info about the basic version in the program.
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What You Can Expect with SafeLine’s TotalCare PC
Windows performance and speed issues resolved
Enjoy a faster and more efficient Windows experience with all performance bottlenecks eliminated.
Glitches fixed in apps
Experience smooth and error-free performance in applications like Outlook, MS Office, and Skype.
Printer connectivity issues solved
Your printer is properly connected and fully operational, ensuring seamless printing tasks.
Web browsers running fast and glitch-free
Browse the internet effortlessly with optimized and error-free web browsers.
Game performance enhanced
Enjoy smoother and more responsive gameplay with all game-related issues resolved.
Drivers updated to the most stable versions
Keep your system stable and secure with the latest and most reliable driver updates.
Disk space cleared and optimized
Free up valuable disk space and improve system performance by removing unnecessary files.
Startup times reduced
Get your PC up and running faster with optimized startup settings and reduced boot times.